Bringing Fresh Chestnuts to North America

Get to know Washington Chestnuts

Washington Chestnuts are grown in the northwest part of Washington State where they experience a cool growing season resulting in sweeter chestnuts, just like the chestnuts from the mountains in Italy, Spain, and Portugal. The cool growing season also has the chestnut trees hold on to the nuts until very late in the growing season, much longer than warmer chestnut growing regions within the United States.


Washington Chestnuts are very fresh because for most our harvest season, only a few days go by from the time the chestnuts fall from the trees to the time the chestnuts are sent out for delivery. This expedited handling of the chestnuts is just as important to the quality of the chestnut as the selection of the chestnut varieties in our orchards. 


Our customers year after year choose Washington Chestnuts for serving on their tables and in their festivals. Being a reliable chestnut producer, Washington Chestnuts is able to deliver the highest quality chestnuts to the North American market every year. 


Want to buy fresh Washington Chestnuts? You can purchase Washington Chestnuts from